Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Water fluoridation helps prevent tooth decay – how growing opposition threatens a 70-year-old health practice

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Amal Noureldin, Clinical Professor of Cariology, Prevention and Restorative Dentistry, Texas A&M University
Driving through downtown Dallas, you might see a striking banner hanging at the U-turn bridge, near the Walnut Hill exit on Central Expressway (US 75): “Stop Fluoridation!” Below it, other banners demand action and warn of supposed dangers.

It’s not the first time fluoride has been at the center of public debate.

Since 1951, fluoride has been added to community water supplies in many countries to prevent tooth decay. Fluoridation started as an observation, then an idea that ended as a scientific…The Conversation

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