Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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South Africa’s apartheid legacy is still hobbling research – a study of geography shows how

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Gijsbert Hoogendoorn, Professor in Tourism Geography, University of Johannesburg
Daniel Hammett, Lecturer in Development and Political Geography, University of Sheffield
Mukovhe Masutha, Senior Research Fellow, University of Johannesburg
Knowledge matters. It informs how we think about the world around us. It informs our decisions and government policies, supporting economic growth and development.

Knowledge is also power. Certain types of knowledge are given more value than others. This is driven by histories of privilege. In South Africa, apartheid looms large in debates about how knowledge is produced. Though it formally ended 30 years ago, it still influences…The Conversation

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