Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Emissions from households’ water use are on a par with aviation. The big cuts and savings they can make are being neglected

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Steven Kenway, Research Group Leader, Water-Energy-Carbon, The University of Queensland
Liam Smith, Director, BehaviourWorks, Monash Sustainable Development Institute, Monash University
Paul Satur, Research Fellow for Water Sensitive Cities, Monash Sustainable Development Institute, Monash University
Rob Skinner, Professorial Fellow, Monash Sustainable Development Institute, Monash University
Why is there such a big gap between people, industries and government agreeing we need urgent action on climate change, and actually starting? Scope 3 emissions are a great example. These are greenhouse gas emissions that organisations can influence, but don’t directly control.

Our research has identified the benefits of tackling these emissions in Australia’s urban water sector. If we consider the energy we use to heat water, water costs us far more than we think. It’s an issue…The Conversation

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