Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Moonlight basking and queer courting: new research reveals the secret lives of Australian freshwater turtles

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Deborah Bower, Associate Professor in Zoology and Ecology, University of New England
Donald McKnight, James Cook University
Eric Nordberg, Senior Lecturer (Applied Ecology and Landscape Management), University of New England
James Van Dyke, Associate Professor in Biomedical Sciences, La Trobe University
Michael B Thompson, Emeritus Professor in Zoology, University of Sydney
Ricky Spencer, Associate Professor of Ecology, Western Sydney University
Australian freshwater turtles are a vital part of healthy waterways, but we don’t know enough about them. A new roundup of turtle research aims to buck the trend.The Conversation

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