Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Why the man-hating feminist is a myth – according to science

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Aífe Hopkins-Doyle, Lecturer in Social Psychology, University of Surrey
Aino Lilja Petterson, Postdoctoral Fellow of Psychology, University of Oslo
Robbie Sutton, Professor of Social Psychology, University of Kent
As part of the “Women Against Feminism” campaign that launched in 2014, social media posts have featured young women holding placards with the message “I don’t need feminism because…” listing various reasons ranging from “I respect men” to “I am not a MAN-HATER”.

This perception of misandry – a hatred of men - is perhaps the most prevalent and enduring stereotype about feminism. By this account, feminism is not really a movement to end sexism and bring about gender equality, but rather it is…The Conversation

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