Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Indépendant et neutre par rapport à toute orientation politique ou religieuse,® vise à promouvoir les grands principes démocratiques sur lesquels repose la tolérance.

Ahead of Black Friday, Support Zoya and Other Bangladesh Garment Workers

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Human Rights Watch
Click to expand Image Bangladesh police clashes with garment workers protesting to demand the increase of their salaries, in Dhaka on November 2, 2023.  © AP Zoya S. (not her real name), is a garment worker in her 30s, making clothes for global clothing brands. She’s been working in a garment factory in Bangladesh for many years. Her husband is a street vendor. As the annual Black Friday shopping frenzy looms, Zoya’s story casts light on the struggles of millions of workers who toil for meagre wages, to produce goods for consumers around the world. On November 6, after five years of waiting,…

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