Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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We rarely hear about the disasters that were avoided – but there’s a lot we can learn from them

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Ilan Kelman, Professor of Disasters and Health, UCL
Ana Prados, Senior Research Scientist, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Brady Podloski, Instructor, Disaster and Emergency Management, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
Gareth Byatt, Visiting Lecturer, Risk Management, UNSW Sydney
When a huge cyclone slammed into East Pakistan (present day Bangladesh) in November 1970 it caused water in the Ganges Delta to rise by 10 metres. Entire towns were submerged. At least 300,000 people died – it remains atop lists of the deadliest known tropical cyclones.

Something similar happened in 1991 – another 139,000 deaths. Bangladesh has a long list of cyclones with five or six figure…The Conversation

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