Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Anxiety and stress really can be lowered through colouring – here’s what our research has found

(Version anglaise seulement)
par Michael Mantzios, Professor of Applied and Experimental Psychology, Birmingham City University
Kyriaki Giannou, Lecturer in Applied Psychology, Birmingham City University
When we think of the best ways to reduce stress, we might picture activities such as exercise or meditation. But while these pursuits certainly work for some people, they aren’t the only techniques you can use to reduce stress.

Over the past couple of years, adult colouring books have also become a popular hobby for people looking to relax. Although the activity might be simple, our research has shown colouring really can be an effective way of reducing stress and improving wellbeing. We’ve shown that colouring is an easy way to lower anxiety and reduce burnout – especially when combined…The Conversation

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