Directeur / Éditeur: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
Regard sur nous et ouverture sur le monde
Indépendant et neutre par rapport à toute orientation politique ou religieuse,® vise à promouvoir les grands principes démocratiques sur lesquels repose la tolérance.

Maryland Woman Perfects Art of Recycling Plastic Bags

(Version anglaise seulement)
Allita Irby turns plastic bags into art. About three years ago, the mixed media artist recognized the potential of the plastic bags her daily newspapers came in. “I was taking the newspaper out and I felt the texture of these bags,' she said. "They were soft and the idea occurred to me. I just looked down and realized it takes three to make a braid. I'll just put a few staples in here just to keep it from unraveling." She's been using them to create her pieces...

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