Director / Editor: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Human Rights Observatory
By Clare Corbould, Associate Professor, Contemporary Histories Research Group, Deakin University
In the first few days since she became the Democratic presumptive nominee, Harris has already faced sexism and racism – some of it subtle, and some of it not.The Conversation (Full Story)
By Human Rights Watch
Click to expand Image Eleven men accused of responsibility for the 2009 massacre and mass rape of pro-democracy protesters by forces linked to a former military junta, stand during their trial in Conakry, Guinea, September 28, 2022. © 2022 Souleymane Camara/Reuters (Brussels) – A domestic court in Guinea is scheduled to deliver a verdict, including on reparations claims, on July 31, 2024, in the landmark trial of 11 men accused of responsibility for the country’s horrific 2009 stadium massacre, Human Rights Watch said today. The organization has released an updated question-and-answer… (Full Story)
By Laura Elizabeth Eades, Rheumatologist, Monash University
Alex Brown, Professor of Indigenous Genomics, Australian National University
Fabien B. Vincent, Senior Research Fellow; Rheumatology Research Group, Centre for Inflammatory Diseases, Monash University
Rury Liddle, General Practitioner, Researcher, Monash University
Lupus is two to four times more common among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It’s also tends to be more severe, with higher rates of kidney failure than non-Indigenous people with lupus.The Conversation (Full Story)
By Jan Lanicek, Associate Professor in Modern European History and Jewish History, UNSW Sydney
Hermann Pollnow’s parents saved him from the Nazi Germany they wouldn’t survive. His story, told by his Australian granddaughter, reminds us the Holocaust is a global history, not just a European one.The Conversation (Full Story)
By Amin Saikal, Emeritus professor of Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies, Australian National University
Hezbollah is the most powerful, sub-national militant group in the world. A war with Israel could be devastating for the region.The Conversation (Full Story)
By Antje Deckert, Associate Professor (Criminology), Auckland University of Technology
Juan Tauri, Professor of Criminology, The University of Melbourne
International research suggests many anti-gang policies actually increase crime, rather than reduce it. These local experts could help us do better – if New Zealand’s politicians would listen.The Conversation (Full Story)
By Tony Heynen, Program Coordinator, Sustainable Energy, The University of Queensland
Prabhakaran Vanaraja Ambeth, PhD student, The University of Queensland
The Paris games are shaping up as the greenest games yet. But some critics say even more needs to be done.The Conversation (Full Story)
By Steven Sherwood, Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, Climate Change Research Centre, UNSW Sydney
Anna Ukkola, ARC DECRA Fellow, Climate Change Research Centre, UNSW Sydney
Mounting evidence shows rainfall is becoming increasingly variable, making the dry times drier and the wet much wetter. New findings confirm research into rainfall variability in Australia.The Conversation (Full Story)
By Hugh Breakey, Deputy Director, Institute for Ethics, Governance & Law, Griffith University
In the wake of the assassination attempt on former US President Donald Trump, there were calls from both sides of US politics, as well as internationally, to reduce the brutal, take-no-prisoners language that has become part of our ordinary political discourse.

But within days Trump returned to being,…The Conversation (Full Story)

By Laurie Berg, Associate Professor, University of Technology Sydney
Bassina Farbenblum, Associate Professor, UNSW Sydney
Migrant workers who get labour claims ‘certified’ will now be allowed to stay and pursue them. But significantly, it’s not only the government that will be able to certify these claims.The Conversation (Full Story)
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