Director / Editor: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
Looking inside ourselves and out at the world
Independent and neutral with regard to all political and religious orientations,® aims to promote awareness of the major democratic principles on which tolerance is based.
The United Nation’s General Assembly adopted on Thursday January 20, 2022, by consensus, a resolution that condemns denial and distortion of the Holocaust.  (Full Story)
There are nominated candidates of all races and religions in our Party. the PPC. With names like Salim Mansour, Rocky Dong, Jigna Jani, Tahir Gora, Jude Guerrier, Jing Lan Yang, Salomon Rayek, and many, many others. (Full Story)
Indiana University Press
Despite his dedicated work on behalf of Jewish refugees in Europe during the 1930s and 1940s, James G. McDonald (1886-1964) is little known today. Come discover this highly unusual and outspoken maverick through Shuli Eshel’s inspiring documentary, “A Voice among the Silent,” followed by comments and discussion led by Neil Caplan. (Full Story)
Canadian Friends of Peace Now is deeply concerned about the potential for the escalation of violence at the Gaza border. We are alarmed and saddened by the killing and wounding of unarmed protesters last week. We call on both sides - Palestinians and Israelis - to exercise restraint and act responsibly to prevent further bloodshed. (Full Story)
By Ghada Chehade

The recent law passed by the Quebec government, known as Bill 62-the “religious neutrality law,” will require women to remove their burqa or niqab (meaning face covering in Arabic) while giving or receiving public services such as getting on a bus or taking a book out of the library. The controversial law is getting a lot of attention and criticism. As a Muslim woman living in Canada I feel compelled to weigh in, not least because I can say things that non-Muslims may be too afraid to say. (Full Story)

Victor Teboul’s latest work Les Juifs du Québec : In Canada We Trust. Réflexion sur l’identité québécoise (L’ABC de l’Édition, paperback, $24,95; ebook, $14,99) explores Quebec’s history and argues that Jews and other minorities are absent from la Belle province’s memory because they do not share the French Canadians’ struggle to survive as a French-speaking nation. (Full Story)
by M. Zuhdi Jasser and Raheel Raza et al

We are Muslims who live in the 21st century. We stand for a respectful, merciful and inclusive interpretation of Islam. We are in a battle for the soul of Islam, and an Islamic renewal must defeat the ideology of Islamism, or politicized Islam, which seeks to create Islamic states, as well as an Islamic caliphate. We seek to reclaim the progressive spirit with which Islam was born in the 7th century to fast forward it into the 21st century. We support the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted by United Nations member states in 1948. (Full Story)

By Oded Eran

President Obama's September 10, 2014 address to the American nation presented the new US strategy against ISIS. Since being elected president, Obama has been criticized at home and by US allies in Europe and the Middle East for skirting responsibility in various regions of tension. (Full Story)

by Oded Eran

On May 25, 2014, 388 million European Union citizens voted for more than 751 members of the European Parliament, who will serve for the next five years. On the agenda was the future of the “European project,” an unprecedented attempt to create a meta-national institution endowed with powers willingly relinquished by the member states and transferred to the said entity. (Full Story)

by David Friedman, David and Shlomo Brom,

The comment by US Secretary of State John Kerry at a press conference in London on September 9, 2013, whereby the government of Syria could avoid a US punitive strike by placing its stores of chemical weapons under international control, has led to a political solution to the Syrian chemical weapons crisis. (Full Story)

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