Director / Editor: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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Human Rights Observatory
By Human Rights Watch
Click to expand Image Opposition supporters protest outside a court, in Harare, Zimbabwe, Thursday, June 27, 2024. The protesters were angered by a magistrate's decision to deny bail to close to 80 activists arrested mid-June for allegedly meeting without official clearance. © AP Photo/Aaron Ufumeli (Johannesburg) – The Southern African Development Community (SADC) should speak out against the Zimbabwean authorities’ intensified crackdown on the opposition and civil society organizations ahead of its summit in Harare, Human Rights Watch said today. The heads of state of SADC’s 16… (Full Story)
By Kevin Rennie
"This case has … a serious chilling effect on public-interest journalism, and sends a terrifying message to any sources sitting on evidence of abuses by the government and its agencies." (Full Story)
By Asfandiyar
The rise in lynching incidents, fuelled by political support for blasphemy laws, reveals a disturbing trend of unchecked extremism threatening lives and justice in Pakistan. (Full Story)
By Metamorphosis Foundation
The festival “Mirëdita, Dobar Dan!” was founded in 2014 to promote cultural exchange and create “a tradition of collaboration” that would contribute to permanent peace and normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo. (Full Story)
By Guest Contributor
While other Russian athletes are not allowed to participate in international tournaments due to the war in Ukraine, Russian Tetris players do not face such restrictions. (Full Story)
By Ryan North, PhD Researcher in Antarctic Geomorphology, University of Wollongong
Tim Barrows, Associate Professor, UNSW Sydney
Few observations exist from before the 2002 Larsen B Ice Shelf collapse. We’ve now estimated how many billions of tons of glacier ice were lost – and what it means for the future.The Conversation (Full Story)
By Jack Davis, Lecturer, Department of Strategy, Enterprise and Sustainability, Manchester Metropolitan University
Kate Seymour, Lecturer in Sustainability, Manchester Metropolitan University
With a massive public mandate for change, Keir Starmer’s Labour party should adopt three key principles that acknowledge the global gravity of our approaching climate disaster.The Conversation (Full Story)
By Tim Doran, Professor of Health Policy, University of York
Karen Bloor, Professor of Health Economics and Policy, University of York
Veronica Dale, Research Fellow, Health Policy, University of York
Wes Streeting, the new health secretary, has his work cut out for him. Here are the biggest challenges he will face.The Conversation (Full Story)
By Steve Schifferes, Honorary Research Fellow, City Political Economy Research Centre, City, University of London
Labour has come to power with a mandate for change and big ambitions to grow the economy and rebuild public services. It wants to move swiftly to implement its early pledges while keeping within its self-imposed spending limits.

But in the longer term, to achieve its broader goals Labour is going to have to address four key issues that have bedevilled successive governments: social care, council housing, university funding, and poverty.

They are difficult because solutions will require a long-term commitment of resources, and there will be political costs as well as benefits…The Conversation (Full Story)

By Nick Whittaker, Subject Lead in Social Sciences & Law, University of Sussex
In the first general election since the UK officially left the EU, both Labour and Conservative leaders were conspicuously mute about Brexit. There have been some vague aspirations to “seize its opportunities” or “make it work”, but otherwise, nothing.

As prime minister, Keir Starmer will have to deal with it, particularly as more Britons now found the negatives of leaving the EU outweigh the positives. In a January survey, a majority supported rejoining.

Brexit has…The Conversation (Full Story)

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