Director / Editor: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
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For our own good: how the psychology of ‘nudging’ pushes us to make healthier choices – and raises ethical dilemmas

By Ramón Ortega Lozano, Profesor de Bioética, de Antropología de la salud y de Comunicación humana en el Centro Universitario San Rafael-Nebrija, Universidad Nebrija
Aníbal M. Astobiza, Investigador Posdoctoral, especializado en ciencias cognitivas y éticas aplicadas, Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
David Rodríguez-Arias, Profesor de Bioética, Universidad de Granada
On 13 May 2021 Bill de Blasio, then mayor of New York City, held an online press conference where he announced an intriguing agreement between the city and Shake Shack, a local chain of burger restaurants. The aim was to get New Yorkers vaccinated against Covid-19 – each vaccinated individual would receive a coupon for a free burger or sandwich at any of the local chain’s locations. In behavioural science, this kind of incentive is known as a “nudge”.

The term was popularised by Richard…The Conversation

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