Director / Editor: Victor Teboul, Ph.D.
Looking inside ourselves and out at the world
Independent and neutral with regard to all political and religious orientations,® aims to promote awareness of the major democratic principles on which tolerance is based.

What is Tolerance ?

Everybody talks about tolerance. Why ? What is so important about tolerance ? Do you have an opinion you would like to share on tolerance ? Why should we be tolerant ? Let us know your opinion. Write your answer directly in the box below. Keep your answer short - 10 to 15 lines.  

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Do you have a tolerance?
By Ifrah Iman on January 9,2018

I used to have a lot of tolerance with people many years ago. The more life becomes difficult, the more i feel i can easily loss my tolerance with other people. I ask myself why i am going to have lots of tolerance with people who do not care about my life? It does not make sense to have any tolorance with people who are always closing doors against you. They do not like you or they do not like your success in your life. They are only there to use you without saying thanks for everything you do for them.  I made a decision about tolerance. I always care and i have a toleance only with people who also care about me. If that person in question disrespects me or says something bad about me, i will tell him or her how i feel about him or her in front of him or her with zero tolerance.   

Sandor Szilard
By Sandor Szilard on September 4,2017

I am not sure if everybody's talks about tolerance. From this uncertainly comes the imporance of tolerance, I think. Yes, I do have opinon about tolerance after I searched in  pastoral care. I am not sure if tolerance has to do something with puting forces what we schould do it. I think tolerance it is something we can do it from our inner speace havinf freedom and energy  to have this attitude forward ourt burdens. I think without pacienty we can not practice in a good way what we call tolerance. Pacientia can be the source for tolerance. Please haev a contact with me if you can offer me spiritual and educational sources about tolerance what I talked above. Yours,. Szilard Sandor 

Acceptance of "The Other"
By Yvonne J. on August 25,2008

Tolerance means acceptance of people whom we may (at first) perceive as different from ourselves, “live and let live”. Tolerance tends to be a natural result of getting to know our neighbors, whether they are next door or in another country. It requires recognition of the fact that each of us occupies a bit of space on a shared planet. True tolerance is an active state, not a passive one. It demands that we project openness, extend welcome and seek shared values and interests.

I was born in the US but have visited and/or resided in 12 different countries, including several Muslim countries. This experience enabled me to look past cultural and religious differences, to see that human nature is very much the same around the world.

What is Tolerance?
By carliec on May 29,2008

To me tolerance means accepting that while we may not agree with others' beliefs, values or lifestyles we are certainly entitled to them. I have found that things I believed in and valued during my younger years are not in my makeup today. I think it's what makes us grownup. Tolerance is what helps me accept who I am, flaws and all, within our humanity. Tolerance encourages me to be patient, kind and helpful to others. Thank you.

Carol Crocker 

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